Here’s a list of the writing and editing services PAZ Ink offers. For samples of published work, please visit the Writing Samples page.
Journalistic Writing
Newspaper and magazine articles, including articles for online publications and newsletters.
Promotional Writing
Web site copy, advertisements, brochures, press releases, targeted e-mails, newsletters and letters, and presentations.
Blog and Keyword-Rich Writing
Blogs and other keyword-rich search engine optimized copy for Web sites.
Ghostwriting articles and promotional copy for subject matter experts, industry leaders and executives.
Technical Writing
Technical articles, whitepapers, manuals and other technical copy.
Editing and Proofreading
Editing for content, consistency and style; proofreading for grammar and spelling. This includes all types of copy.
Professional interviewing of subject matter experts, leaders and others for article content, direct quotes and other information.